Struck by Lightning: The curious world of probabilities | Jeffrey Rosenthal

Struck by Lightning deconstructs the odds and oddities of chance, examining both the relevant and irreverent role of randomness in our everyday lives.

Jeffrey Rosenthal
Struck by Lightning: The curious world of probabilities |Jeffrey Rosenthal

Struck by Lightning: The curious world of probabilities | Jeffrey Rosenthal

Struck by lightning is an entertaining read which provides the reader with an insight into the curious world of probabilities. Normally, mentioning statistics and mathematics is a sure fire way to get someones eyes to glaze over, but Rosenthal somehow makes it mildly entertaining as he explains everything from gambling, elections and dating through to terrorist attacks, through the lens of mathematical probability.

Rosenthal explains that a basic understanding of probability theory is essential for our every day lives, and can help everyone to make better, more informed decisions. For example, how many statisticians do you see playing slot machines or the lottery?

Rosenthal’s light hearted writing style is fun to read along with as he sets the ‘probability perspective’ on an assortment of real life applications and case studies. These discussions arm you to deal with the real world; helping you to assign probabilities to evaluate potential outcomes or understand what the ‘real odds’ are of something happening really is.

This ‘probability perspective’ skill helps puts your mind at ease when dealing with the unknown, something that usually generates anxiety in most of us. Best of all, it can let you baulk at sensationalised media now that you can evaluate yourself what the real chance of things happening are!

Check it out on Amazon here, or on Australia’s local bookstore Booktopia

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