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The One-Page Financial Plan; A Simple Way to Be Smart About Your Money | Carl Richards
Carl Richards offers readers some simple and basic tips to improve their finances and reduce stress through the use of a very simple financial plan.
Aug 20 Update | $1,029,293 | +$141,075
This month I became a millionaire and achieved a massive milestone I set out for myself at the start of the year, which if I am honest I never thought I would actually reach.
Jul 20 Update: $888,218 +$29,568
June and July were both pretty big months for me, and I enjoyed spending time with family. Now I am back in Sydney and ready to return to work.
Jun 20 Update: $858,650 +$791
It has been a big month, and well, a big year. Lots of changes have happened to me, and a lot of personal growth.
May 20 Update: $857,869 +$10,836
Gee, its the end May already!
Apr 20 Update: $847,023
Gee, its May already hey. The nights are getting a bit fresh here in Sydney as we see the annual northward march of the Australian high pressure belt. We end the month+$27,668