Let’s look at the meaning of frugality, its synonyms & antonyms, and how it differs from ‘cheap’. So, can you still reach FI if you’re the opposite of frugal?
Tag: frugal
The Economics of Pasta; the $1 per serve meal
Learning to cook at home is a crucial step towards Financial Independence, and is something any responsible adult needs to know how to do.
Rules of Thumb and Tips for FIRE frugality
Rules of thumb are a great way to rationalise your budget and figure out if your savings goals are reasonable, or if your falling short of the mark
Shopping at Aldi to save money
Everyone eats right? Check out our guide on finding the best grocery store for reaching FI
How to Grow Rich With a Garden
Investing is like gardening. You need to work and gather resources (i.e. capital), learn how you can put those resources to work properly and then implement your strategy.
Get Rich by being Self Sufficient
I’m a millennial and I am self sustainable. Yes I enjoy my smashed avocado toast and I intend on buying several houses. Check out my guide on how you can too.