“So long as we are thinking, we may as well be thinking big”
Donald Trump
The Magic of Thinking Big | David J Schwartz
I have to thank Mr Money Mustache for putting me onto this one. The Magic of Thinking Big is all about self confidence and believing in yourself. Schwartz teaches you to think big, and about the power of positivity and mindset when you want to achieve your goals.
Do what you fear and fear disappears
David Schwartz
Rather than be intimidated and fear the unknown, Schwartz compels readers to always be open to new ideas and learn something new whenever you can. By pushing yourself out of your comfort zone you find an amazing region of personal development and growth, and an ability to achieve even bigger goals.
By shutting down the negative voices in your head, you become more and more successful every day. Schwartz urges readers to go through their positive affirmations every day, and even to write and read them out loud. These affirmations are great things about yourself that you and other people like (for example you might be a really great Pilot, or you are able to make other people feel great and laugh by telling funny jokes).
Going even further, Schwartz suggests to create an environment of positivity around you; surround yourself with high quality and positive people. Only take advice from those who’s values align with yours, who you want to be like and those who have achieved what you wish to. This might mean focusing your efforts away from ‘Negative Nancies’ or ‘Morale Vampires’ who have limiting beliefs and mindset. You are on the path to success with your abundance mindset and the magic of thinking big.
Check it out on Amazon here, listen to it through Audible or buy it from Australia’s local bookstore Booktopia

Captain FI is a Retired Pilot who lives in Adelaide, South Australia. He is passionate about Financial Independence and writes about Personal Finance and his journey to reach FI at 29, allowing him to retire at 30.