“Investing should be boring. [Whilst people stress over volatility] I will be sitting, bored witless, choking on my dividend cheques.”
Peter Thornhill
Motivated money | Peter Thornhill
Peter Thornhill’s experience and insights into wealth creation through investment and his entertaining delivery make for a good read. Motivated Money led to Thornhill becoming a sought after presenter and recognised financial commentator. Thornhill himself lives on a passive dividend income of over $500,000 due to consistent investing in strong dividend yielding stocks.
Thornhill challenges you to check your financial prejudices, such as the concept of certain asset classes being ‘riskier’ or ‘safer’ than others. He then demonstrates that over longer time frames, commonly accepted financial prejudices are just plain wrong.
Thornhill explains how dividends can be used for income, and why over the long term this is preferable to bonds or fixed interest securities. He goes on to outline that realistically you should ignore the capital value or price of the stocks, or fears of stock market crashes. Realistically you should be worrying about things that matter like your family and having fun, whilst your increasing stream of dividends just keeps rolling in..
You can buy the kindle edition on Amazon here, or check our Peters website to buy a hard copy

Captain FI is a Retired Pilot who lives in Adelaide, South Australia. He is passionate about Financial Independence and writes about Personal Finance and his journey to reach FI at 29, allowing him to retire at 30.
Good review mate. Motivated Money is an easy read with a simple message.
It has played a big part in shaping my investment approach. No stress, buy the dips, trust in the big low cost LICs and spend your valuable time doing other things. Works good enough for me.