Why read Financial Independence books?

Congratulations – by virtue of the fact that you are reading this, you are well on your way to reaching Financial Independence. Step one to reaching FI starts with deep introspection; an honest appraisal of your own knowledge and ability. This should result in a humble and burning desire to learn more, and educate yourself. Financial Independence books are the best way to learn more about earning, saving and investing more in order to change your lifestyle to become more wealthy.

Financial Independence books
Any book you pick up has had a long and rigorous publishing process

Finance books are the best way to become Financially Independent

Books are simply one of the best ways to learn. There are many strategies and techniques for devouring books, some are able to burn through pages quickly like no one else’s business, for others it takes longer. Reading the practical examples and visualising them helps me. Finance books are valuable for many reasons. They allow you to;

  • Undertake Self Education
  • Give Clever or Driven people the information they need
  • Read a trusted source of published information
  • Enjoy both non-fiction texts and fictional ‘parables’ to learn the underlying key messages
  • Not spend money – Get them for free at your local library

Finance books allow Self education

Self education is the way to reach Financial Independence. You will not find it taught in schools, nor universities, nor will you see it on TV shows or featured in the Media – lest it be published as some form of public spectacle or jest for the masses to ‘tut tut’ about and agree that its ‘impossible’.

Your burning desire to learn and improve will help you create a growth mindset. You will adopt an abundance mentality and find ways to succeed. Literature will nourish your soul as you pore over countless lessons and are mentored and guided by page after page. You will become smarter and wealthier with every paragraph. Did you know that the majority of all millionaires spend over an hour per day reading? You do now!

I spent years struggling through the schooling system – a hyperactive child with a gifted mind proved too much for many institutions and teachers. I attended over 17 different schools, and a further 12 institutions and universities as I bounced from one suspension and expulsion to the next. Along my journey though, I met some amazing teachers and mentors which I truly believe changed my life for the better.

I was never taught any money lessons during my formal education – apart from perhaps that which I made the connection with through my advanced engineering mathematics lectures in University. I have studied long and hard during my life; and I learned that self education is the key to success – no one is going to do your job for you!

As a result of rapidly adopting the principles of self education, in high school I graduated top of the nation, at University I graduated with first class honors in aerospace engineering, as a Pilot I was able to earn an Airline Transports Pilot Licence, and continued part time study resulted in a Masters degree in Space engineering. I will continue learning until the day I die, and I have a burning desire to continue post graduate research with a Ph.D in Space flight research in years to come.

Being smart isn’t good enough to become financially independent

I was well on my way to becoming Robert Kiyosakis ‘Poor Dad’ until I discovered FI/RE and how I needed to pay attention to securing my finances and acquiring assets over liabilities. Now I will be a ‘Rich Dad. Take it from me – Self education is the Key. Read more and read often. If this is a skill that you are lacking, stop making excuses and use your positive, abundance mentality and burning desire to improve your reading ability.

Published financial independence and finance authors are a trusted source of information

Published authors have typically been through rigorous editing and publishing process. In the academic world, the scientific method involves hypothesis, research, gathering evidence, trials and experiments and painstakingly detailed examinations; often only to then repeat the process over countless iterations. Works are then thoroughly peer reviewed and ripped apart, and then sent back for further countless revisions prior to being accepted and published. Outside academia, the publishing process can be just as brutal, and a published author is accountable for their works to be fully judged and reviewed in the public eye

There is a fantastic amount of information freely available to you which has been written online, however you should always take what you hear online with a grain of salt; anyone can publish almost anything online these days! I follow a number of fantastic blogs like Mr Money Mustache and the Aussie Firebug, as well as follow a number of great bloggers and personal finance Gurus on Facebook and Instagram. However, the most powerful lessons I have learned have always come through self directed learning through reading and books.

Fact or fiction; Financial Independence books come in both categories

Although I prefer fact (non-fiction), there are a huge number of fictional works and parables (stories) which can be hugely beneficial to you. For example ‘The Richest Man in Babylon’ written by George Samuel Clason in 1926 is a collection of parables set in ancient Babylon some 8,000 years ago, but its lessons are just as relevant to modern finances as they are to the ancient Babylonians.

Where to get financial independence books for free

So, less social media (and regular media for that matter!) and more books. Check out your local library to see if you can loan out a free copy of these, if not then jump online to see if you can get a free PDF or downloadable version*. If you still cant find it – ask your friends or family if anyone has a copy you could borrow. Only as a last resort should you resort to surrendering your dollars and buying a copy, and always look for a used or second hand copy first!

Financial Independence books
Your local library is a treasure trove of free lessons and guidance

*NB I am not advocating pirating or stealing as authors generally work pretty hard and get paid a pittance for doing so, but some offer free downloadable content. Some eBook services like audible offer a few free books as a sign up bonus too

The Captains reading list: The best books for financial independence

If you want to see my personal library, check out the Captains Reading list. This covers my top 100 most influential personal finance, self help and personal development books which I have used on my journey to Financial Independence.

Most, if not all of these books are freely available through your public library. If you would prefer to buy them though, consider please using the affiliate links in the review – This doesn’t cost you anything extra, but a percent or two from the book sale will go towards supporting the CaptainFI site. All you need to do is follow the link at the end of the review, and your support is very much appreciated

I have created an affiliation with Amazon where you can get a paper or electronic version, or even listen to it on Audible (audible is through Amazon now)

If you would prefer to buy them from an Australian retailer then check out Booktopia – Australia’s local online bookstore.

This list contains affiliate links to Amazon and Booktopia – if you wish to buy any of these books this blog will earn small commission

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