“Buying a property isn’t easy. It’s not meant to be. It’s one of the biggest financial decisions you’ll make in your life. But it is worth it . . . it’s hard, there will be shit bits, but it’s not impossible“
Nicole Haddow
Smashed Avocado | Nicole Haddow
Smashed Avocado is Nicole’s story of how she turned her life around after 30 to eventually become a property investor. The title is a play on a controversial statement by Bernald Salt (the bloke that said we should just quit buying expensive smashed avo if we ever wanted to own a property).
Without a steady paycheck and with significant credit card debt to her name, no bank with a responsible lending practice would even consider providing a home loan to her. Nicole explains exactly what she did to turn this around, in a realistic, step-by-step guide that other young prospective property investors can follow.
Speaking to financial planners, mortgage brokers and real estate agents, Nicole passes on some of the lessons she has learned, as well as the tips and tricks you mightn’t have thought of, but are super helpful on your journey to become a first-time home owner. Nicole’s story is real and it worked – in just under 2 years she became a home owner (and managed to ditch her credit card debt for a much bigger, and more productive form of debt – a mortgage!)
You can buy a copy of Smashed Avocado by using the following links at Amazon or alternatively on Booktopia – Australia’s local bookstore.

Captain FI is a Retired Pilot who lives in Adelaide, South Australia. He is passionate about Financial Independence and writes about Personal Finance and his journey to reach FI at 29, allowing him to retire at 30.