Captain Fi Podcast | Reaching FIRE with A Purple Life

Here on the CaptainFI podcast, we Love a good success story. I’ve got one for you today as we celebrate with blogger A Purple Life as she hit her FIRE goal!

Starting with an ambitious goal back in 2015 to reach FIRE within ten years, she needed to maintain at least a 65% savings rate. Well fast forward to today – she has absolutely demolished her goals, reaching an average 77% savings rate to become Financially Independent and Retire Early at the age of 30! Today we chat about Purple’s journey, career and mindset – to answer the incredibly difficult question: When is enough enough, and how do you actually pull the trigger to retire early?

“How has Early Retirement changed my life? Well when I am sleepy I take a nap, when I want to I go outside and take a walk. I have complete freedom in my life and control over my schedule”

A Purple Life
a purple life

Introduction to a Purple Life

Today, we are popping a bottle of champagne from the first lounge to celebrate an awesome achievement with ‘A Purple Life’.  Purple has just completed her journey to Financial Independence, and has reached early retirement at age 30.

Purple first heard about the FI/RE movement in 2013 when her partner discovered it on Reddit of all places – however she didn’t think much of it initially. It challenged her way of thinking and confronted societies programming, and so like most people she then came up a bunch of objections and reasons why it wasn’t for her.

She was working in client services and advertising, and managed to work her way up to achieve her dream job running her own advertising and media agency within the firm.  However, she found that even once she had climbed the corporate ladder and got the dream job she had always wanted, that she wasn’t miraculously any happier than before. It turns out her top job actually wasn’t actually all it was cracked up to be.  

Reflecting back on the FIRE community, Purple read everything she could find on the topic and even began blogging about it in 2015 where she talked about her experiences with Finance, Food and Travel. She set an ambitious goal to retire in only 10 years – circa 2025, and aged 35.

Well fast forward to today- by adopting a disciplined saving and investing regime, increasing her income, maximising her tax leveraged accounts, and using things like geo-arbitrage she was able to smash her goal right out of the park and been able to retire in only half the time – and officially left her job a few weeks ago aged 30.

Whats more? She did so without needing to resort to ‘Hustle Culture’ and burning herself out. Rather than adopting a number of time-consuming small side hustles, she adopted a laser like focus and put all of her efforts into professional development and advancing her career to increase her income – whilst maxing out all of her tax advantaged accounts.

As a woman of colour she has also overcome many issues that most of us could never understand, and has reached FI without all of the privileges that many in the FIRE community have. Purple’s life has also unfortunately been touched by tragedy with the loss of many loved ones, which actually strengthened her resolve to Retire Early so she could spend time with those who truly matter.

I am so happy to be able to interview such an inspirational figure, and learn the  valuable lessons she has to pass on to those of us still our own Financial Independence journey.  

Episode 12: Reaching FIRE with A Purple Life

Show Notes

A Purple Life Top financial tips

  1. Take the time to reflect on what makes you happy – Are you actually making purchases that align with your values? Take the time to consider whether you are actually getting enjoyment from your purchases – are those $500 concert tickets really worth it?
  2. Consider where you live – By moving from Manhattan (New York) to Seattle, Purple was able to almost double her savings due to a much lower cost of living, and comparable career salaries in her field. Geo-arbitrage is often thought of as retiring and moving to South America or Asia, but there are huge opportunities to do this within your own country and even your own state.
  3. Map out the life you want, cost it out and then save and invest for that – Consider where you WANT to be, not where you are NOW. By mapping out the life you want, you can start to think about where you can make some big changes of your life in order to get there quicker, as well as what else you need to do to make it happen.
  4. Do Experiments – Try changing up little things in your life with little experiments or ‘switches’. For example, rather than cmpletely giving up going out to dinner, you could try hosting a dinner party at your home and see how it goes – if it is too hard and you miss the nightlife too much then that is ok too and you can go back – its all about trying new things and experiments.
  5. Don’t be Afraid to be Weird – Don’t apologise for being you! It is OK to be different, so be upfront about what you would prefer to do, and about what makes you happy. You can live a Purple life too!

A Purple Life top Books

Purple had a number of awesome books that she recommends, and these are her top picks.

The Simple Path to Wealth by Jim Collins – Book and Blog version (Check out the Stock series on his blog)

Your Money Or Your Life by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez

The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas Stanley

Bogleheads Guide to Investing by Mel Lindauer, Michael LeBoeuf and Taylor Larimore


Captain FI 0:07
Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. Welcome aboard Captain FI the Financial Independence Podcast.

Good day Welcome to an episode of Captain FI, the Financial Independence Podcast where I open the copy to some of the best and brightest in personal finance, as well as those who have reached or are on their way to financial independence.

Today, we’re popping a bottle of champagne from the first class lounge to celebrate an awesome achievement with a purple life. Purple has just completed her journey to financial independence and has reached early retirement at age 30. Purple first heard about the fire movement back in 2013, when her partner discovered it on Reddit of all places. However, she didn’t really think much of it initially, it was pretty challenging and confronted some of society’s programming select most people. She then came up with a bunch of objections, excuses and reasons why it wasn’t for her. She was working in Client Services and advertising, and had actually managed to work her way up to achieve her dream job running her very own advertising and media agency within the firm. However, once she got there, and had climbed the corporate ladder, and finally achieved the dream job she had always wanted, but she wasn’t miraculously any happier than she was before. And it turns out the top job wasn’t actually all it was cracked up to be.

reflecting back on the fire community, pebble started to read everything she could find on the topic, and even began blogging about it back in 2015, where she talked about her experiences with finance, food and travel. She also set a very ambitious goal to retire in 10 years, which would make that circa 2025. And she would be aged 35. Well, fast forward to today. By adopting a disciplined savings and investing regime, increasing her income, maximizing her tax leveraged accounts, and doing things like geo arbitrage, she was actually able to smash her 10 year goal right out of the ballpark, and has been able to retire early in only half the time. She actually officially left her job only a few weeks ago, aged 30. What’s more, she did so without needing to resort to the hustle culture and burning herself out. Rather than adopting a number of time consuming small side hustles she adopted a laser like focus and put all of her efforts into professional development, and advancing her career to embark to increase her income, all whilst maxing out her tax advantaged accounts and maintaining a work life balance. As a woman of color, purple has also had to overcome many issues that most of us could never understand. And she has reached fire without all of the privileges that many in the fire community have. Purpose life has also unfortunately been touched many times by tragedy with the loss of loved ones, which has really strengthened her resolve to retire early so that she could spend more time with those who truly matter to her. I’m really happy to be able to interview such an inspirational figure and learn some of the valuable lessons she has to pass on.

So welcome to the show. And thanks very much for making time. Of course. Thanks for having me. pebble, can you tell us a little bit more about yourself, where you’re from and your hobbies? And also let us know where does that name a purple life come from?

A Purple Life 4:39
Well, I’m a black woman who is born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia in the US and hobbies currently include writing on my blog, and has for five years now going on six actually.

And the name of purple life

kind of came to me randomly I was trying to think of what a blog name would be

And my hair is often purple. And so I decided to use this picture that’s, that’s on my blog, excuse me, the picture that’s on my blog of me with purple hair. And I was like, Oh, well, how can I integrate this in and then a purple life came to me. And I was like, Well, what does that mean?

And to me, it means just kind of having a slightly different life, a life where you don’t necessarily worry about what other people think. And you can just do what you want. That’s awesome. Now, I actually I’m a professional pilot, so I have uniform standards that I need to

Captain FI 5:32
the mode. But you might be interested to know, there was a time where I had a hot pink hair, which no need Deep Purple at one stage. Oh, wow. But I’m back to I’m back to my natural color. Now. My next question, What got you on this trajectory? I

A Purple Life 5:53
‘m actually a success story of partner whose mind was changed. My partner came to me in 2013, I believe it was, after having discovered financial independence through Reddit of all things. He was browsing the personal finance subreddit, and that LinkedIn to the financial financial independence subreddit. And so he started sending me things like, have you heard about this? Like, what is this people retiring at? 30? What’s going on? I was like, Yeah, oh, well, it was just like, thanks for that. I’m gonna ignore it by. So yeah, I ignored him for two years. And then I kind of used those two years to unintentionally go through all of the objections I had at the beginning, which are all the standard objections like, oh, why would I want to retire that early? What would I do? I just need to find my dream job. And then I’ll be happy. And I went through all of those, I found my dream job. And I realized, nope, it’s still not enough. And having a backup plan might be a good idea. So I got into it. I can relate to what you’ve just said there. Cuz ever since I was a little boy, I always wanted to fly and flying has been my dream job. But I definitely won’t be option. So browsing our slash finance on Reddit is a bit of a pastime of mine as well. Is this where you is this way, you picked up a lot of your your financial independence skills, or where did you learn more about how to become financially independent.

It is where I kind of was pointed in the right direction. But from there, I think they have a resources or FAQ section. With a list of books, they recommend everyone read blogs, they recommend. And then I just dove into all of them. I read all the blogs, I got all of the recommended books from my local library. And I devoured them over the course of like three to six months. And that’s how I learned the skills needed to decide what my plan was going to be.

Captain FI 7:54
That’s epic. And for anyone who’s listening, you can literally do exactly what Purple’s done, this information is freely available. You can there’s a number of blogs, while links some of the best in the show notes here. Most bloggers also have a recommended reading section. And I’ll link back to both of ours as well in the shownotes. So purple, what has been your main financial independence investing strategy?

A Purple Life 8:26
Sure. So I’m generally a lazy person. So when I saw that there seemed to be one thing you could do that’s really straightforward to reach financial independence, investing wise, and it’s basically just investing in stock index funds. That’s what I did. And that’s all I did.

Captain FI 8:42
I am also lazy or I like to think I like to think of it as I like to think it was being efficient, right to try and basically get the maximum return for minimum time. Tell us a little bit about your career. So you mentioned earlier your dream career and financial independence being a bit of a backup. What was your career like? And did you have any other income streams on your path to fire?

A Purple Life 9:08
I worked in marketing my whole career, but at that specific time, when I learned about financial independence, I worked in ad agencies specifically. And my dream job that I got was kind of an offshoot I’d always been in client service. And one I made a list of all the things that I wanted to my dream job and hilariously, having clients was on the no list. But I’ve somehow found a job that took my skills in client service and advertising and allowed me to basically not have clients we were building a mini agency within another agency. So starting completely from scratch, making big decisions and having fun while doing it. So I was super excited to get that job. And I had always told myself, like I mentioned, oh, once I get it, I’ll be happy enough that I’ll be fine getting up every Monday and fighting my way onto the New York subway. And then I wasn’t

So I realized even with this dream job that ticks all those boxes, that I was the happiest I had been in a career, it wasn’t happy enough for me to want to do that for decades more, I only had the income from my career. And to answer your previous question, basically, I got my dream job.

And I had thought that if I got that, I would be happy enough to continue working for several more decades. And unfortunately, even though that job was absolutely wonderful, that was not the case. So that’s why I decided to go financial independence, but going with the same string of what did we rebranded to efficiency. But I realized that I could make the most money by focusing on my career and job hopping and getting promotions. And I believe in the nine years of my career, I tripled my salary doing that. So I made a lot of money without having to also have the side effort of doing side hustles and kind of splitting my focus.

Captain FI 11:01
Wow, so really narrowing that sort of laser like focus into your career, and you’re able to triple your income. That’s, that’s pretty impressive.

A Purple Life 11:12
Thank you.

Captain FI 11:13
So a lot of people do get caught up in the side hustle culture, and they feel like they have to constantly be doing something. And it can be a bit of a trap. Because we all know that a lot of side hustles aren’t as lucrative, as rightly, you said, your actual professional career. So what industry did you work in?

A Purple Life 11:38
I worked in marketing, and about the side hustles, I actually credit my mom to why I didn’t go down that path. Because I watched her growing up, in addition to her main job, she often had a second job teaching online. And then also was trying to start businesses kind of the standard side hustle plan. And they never worked. And I saw her work so hard on all of these things, for them to just lose money, because she would never make a profit. So I kind of was able to learn from her and skip that part.

Captain FI 12:11
So I know that for some people, business can be lucrative, but even I’m not sure what it’s like in the United States. But here in Australia, it’s it’s something like eight out of 10 or might even be higher, businesses fail. So a lot of them will, will fail to make revenue. And you know, it does, it can be a bit heartbreaking. I’ve had a number of business ventures collapse. So I’m no stranger to that kind of feeling, unfortunately. All right. So ad agency and marketing. So it sounds like you’re probably perfectly positioned to be to be writing online.

A Purple Life 12:55
Kind of I mostly worked in client service. So I didn’t write most of the ad copy myself, or design or anything like that. But I like to think that maybe working in that field for almost a decade, give me kind of an eye for things that look good, I hope.

Unknown Speaker 13:13

Captain FI 13:14
absolutely. Well, you know, they, it’s generally accepted that, you know, 10,000 hours or 10 years working in an industry is what it takes to achieve mastery. And it sounds like by the end of your career, you pretty much had achieved that, especially by tripling your income, which I’m still gobsmacked about.

A Purple Life 13:36
Let’s go with that I have a master

Captain FI 13:39
being able to boost your income to such a high level that leads me perfectly into the next question is savings rates. So we all know that people with a higher income, it is easier for them to typically maintain a higher savings rate, and thus, a shorter time to reach financial independence. What kind of a savings rate did you manage? And how did this change on your journey.

A Purple Life 14:08
So the last few years, I was actually saving 77% of my after tax income. So obviously I had a high salary for my age, and also have relatively low expenses for reasons that we can get into. But that really was obviously the highest and prior to that about in 2015. When I decided to go for financial independence, I originally ran all of my numbers, and I was still living in Manhattan, planning to do so and definitely making about half of what I did when I quit my job this year. And my savings rate was about half of that, understandably. And as a result. My original timeline was as you mentioned, 10 years retire in 2025. But since I was increasing my income, and I also left New York which almost cut my expenses in half. I cut that time to five years and that’s how I was able to to retire this year in 2020.

Captain FI 15:03
That’s a that’s pretty impressive, like 77% savings rate. And a lot of people yeah might go, Wow, that’s just unachievable. But like you mentioned, having moving state, and being aggressive with career changes, making some meaningful life changes, you’re able to really crank that number up. So that’s pretty impressive. So you mentioned you mentioned this at the start that you are a fan of index funds. I know that in America, the investing landscape is slightly different. Most people would be familiar with the term Roth or 401k. In Australia, we have superannuation that is very similar to a 401k. So for you personally, which tools did you use? Like? Did you favor a conventional brokerage account? Did you maximize your 401, K’s? or How did you actually go about structuring your index investments.

A Purple Life 16:06
So I maxed out every tax advantage account I could to save on as much taxes as I could legally. So I maxed out my 401k Traditional IRA when I was still eligible for it, and then when I wasn’t I started maxing out my Roth IRA. And addition to that, I had some savings leftover that I would also put in a taxable brokerage. So all of the above

Captain FI 16:30
all of the above. Now, it’s also worth pointing out in Australia, when you contribute to these retirement schemes, you can’t actually get them until you reach what’s called preservation age. Now, I’m not sure what it’s like in the States, is it similar? Or can you access those funds earlier?

A Purple Life 16:54
It is similar, but there are ways to access it earlier. So standard age to be able to get into your tax advantage accounts is 59 and a half here. But there’s something called a Roth IRA conversion ladder, which is basically when you leave your job, you’re able to move your 401k into our traditional IRA. And then you’re allowed to slowly move that money into a Roth IRA. And if you do it slowly, you can actually go underneath our tax bracket so that money is never isn’t taxed, then aka it’s never taxed. So since my expenses have relatively low, and at a young age, I’m not making any money, I’m able to do that. And then down the road, just take that money, I believe it takes five years for my contribution to be eligible for me to touch it again. So much closer than 59 and a half.

Captain FI 17:46
Wow, that’s impressive. Maybe we need to bring in a conversion ladder in Australia. I would like to I would like to use that system. So I guess, the most important thing I wanted to talk about with you today, it’s not something we’ve sort of discussed, but how was the pivot to early retirement? Like, how did you pull the trigger? And go, yep, I’m gonna do it. You know, a lot of people talk about it. But when it comes to actually doing it, there’s this fear and this tendency to just just another year, just another contract, just another hundred k in my brokerage before I’ll do it. So what what gave you the confidence to quit your job, and how has early retirement changed your life?

A Purple Life 18:40
So I’m gonna flip it a little bit because I didn’t have necessarily the confidence it was more driven by fear, actually, fear of what would happen if I didn’t quit, because going down a morbid side street, I’ve lost a lot of people in my life. So the thought that our time is always slipping away from us every second. It’s always in the back of my mind. So especially with everything going on in the world right now. The pandemic hitting recession, everything. I was like, I now more than ever don’t know if i or the people I love will be there at all. So that gave me Yeah, I guess I’ll say confidence that it’s time. I don’t need one more year. I need to be with the people I love. And if for some reason this doesn’t work out. Luckily, even if the market never goes up another percentage. I have over 30 years of my annual expenses right there until I need to figure something else out.

Captain FI 19:46
Wow. I love the way you’ve reframed that.

A Purple Life 19:50
Thank you and answer your second question, how it’s actually changed my life. It’s been wonderful. I’m only on I think it’s week six when we’re

According this, but my life is already completely different. When I’m sleepy, I take a nap. When I want to go outside or take a walk, I have complete control over my schedule. My cousin is in Connecticut right now. And I previously moved to Georgia from Seattle, lots of moving during this time, but she wanted some help with her new baby. And so I was able to say, Okay, I’m going to come up with my mom and help you for three weeks like I’ve never been, I’ve never even had a vacation that long before. So it’s just been amazing to have the freedom to help my family if needed. travel across the country via car since we are in a pandemic, and take the time to do that instead of a quick flight. It’s just been great to have that freedom. Absolutely freedom to live your life the way you want to do it on your terms. I have noticed though, you’re being quite active in these last six weeks, and you’ve your posting schedule has increased quite a lot. So maybe a little bit more busy than ever in retirement. Yeah, I’m working on that. So in October, you’re totally right. I accidentally almost doubled my posting schedule. I usually post every Tuesday, but a couple of those Thursdays I snuck in some posts. And it actually wasn’t because some people were like, oh, you’re bored already? I was like, No, it was because I wanted to record what was happening week to week. But I also had thoughts that I wanted to get out that were related to my last few days at work, which were at the very beginning of October. So when the thoughts are still fresh, I wanted to get them out there. But I have slowed down at least posting wise November, there’s only one post a week.

But yeah, I have been way busier than I thought. I’m hoping that once I get through all of my to do lists, like a lot of the things I have been doing are related to setting up my newly retired life getting health insurance and all that stuff. So after that, hopefully, I can relax a little fingers crossed, I’ll do my best.

Captain FI 22:08
That’s awesome. No, I know the feeling I there’s a lot a lot of articles I want to post on the Captain f5 blog. So purple, one of the ways you’re able to maintain a high savings rate and retire at 30 was your worst by cutting your cost of living. So if we could distill these down into your top three frugal hacks, what would they be?

A Purple Life 22:38
One would be to take the time to really reflect on what makes you happy, which I know is not super specific. But in reflecting on my journey. That’s something I never took the time to do until I got into fire. And that was almost halfway through my career that was almost five years in, I was just doing things without thinking about it dropping money left and right without thinking about does this actually make me happy? I just assumed it did. And when I took the time to think about it, I was like, actually, I would have preferred not to go to that concert. And it was $500. Or I would be even happier if I find a way to decrease the cost. For example, I switched my phone from at&t to Republic wireless and saved while at&t was 90 bucks a month and Republic was 15 at the time. So compounding that over the next five years with that change is pretty significant. So taking that time would be my biggest football hack.

Captain FI 23:30
So you also talked about geo arbitrage or moving. So how, how is that played in?

A Purple Life 23:39
Sure. So originally, I had only heard of geo arbitrage, in the international sense. So moving from your country to another country that has a lower cost of living but allows you to keep your same standard of living. But I didn’t think about it, you can totally do that within your own country. I was living in Manhattan in one of the most expensive rental markets in our country, and not questioning it. But when we decided to go for fire, my partner and I made a spreadsheet, of course, because we’re nerds of all the places that we possibly would want to move in the US and the cost difference is staggering. And we’d ended up choosing Seattle for many reasons, but what the mathematical reasons were because it has about half the cost of living of Manhattan, but they actually pay the same salaries. So that really obviously helped me on my journey. And that’s something I think everyone could do. I know it’s hard, like I was freaking out moving to the opposite side of our country. Not knowing anyone having a job or an apartment or anything. It was terrifying. But it all worked out. And it can be a great way to have the same kind of life

Captain FI 24:48
you want for less. Now I grew up in the bush out in rural Australia. And anytime I go home, I look at the cost of things at home or the cost of rent in town to the cost of like just rent in Sydney and it blows my mind. So yeah, arbitrage within your country and within your states as well can be a huge, a huge way to propel you towards fire

A Purple Life 25:17
can especially with most of us or a lot of us working from home now that opens up the possibilities. Who knows where you are, if you have Wi Fi,

Captain FI 25:27
you just need a good background for your zoom or

A Purple Life 25:34
Mexican beach or something in the background.

Captain FI 25:38
Now I’ve always wanted to visit Seattle, because of course Boeing field is just out of Seattle. And that’s one of the biggest aviation factories in the world. And, you know, I love big heavy jets heavy metal. So that’s definitely on my bucket list of places to visit.

A Purple Life 26:01
Yeah, definitely go. It’s wonderful for that reason, and many others. It’s also just cool, because we would also often see them flying. What’s it called? I guess it’s like test planes. I was like, What is that giant thing is the sky. It looks so weird. It’s not painted. It’s not an airline? It’s just cool to see. And then we’d be like, oh, what kind of what kind of plane is that? Is that experimental? Or is that new? So just another fun free pastime?

Captain FI 26:31
Yeah, exactly. It’s a bit of an it’s a bit of an aviation, aviation Mecca. So Yep, definitely, definitely on my list. If you’re DC, if you guys still around, I’ll drop you a line.

A Purple Life 26:43
Let me know, I don’t know where we’re gonna be. But

Captain FI 26:46
let me know, when you first got into fire. You said you became a bit of a ravenous reader and you are devouring any piece of content on personal finance or investing that you could find? What are some of your top picks for the best personal finance, investing, or self development books, podcasts or blogs?

A Purple Life 27:12
So yes, I read all of them so that y’all can save some time, though I didn’t enjoy all of it. But after reading a couple books, and blogs, I kind of was like all of these are a little bit similar. That’s interesting. So the ones that really stood out to me are one simple path to wealth by Jim Collins, which is also if you prefer a blog form, almost all on his website for free, which is jL Collins, nh. com, it’s a stock series that I believe is in the top navigation bar. And that is the most down to earth explanation of investing in the US that I’ve ever heard of. And it’s absolutely wonderful. And so when my friends and family are like, what’s this about investing? What’s an index fund? I always send them to the his blog, because he explains the stock market, as if it’s a glass of beer, and I was like, Okay, I got you, I understand what you’re talking about. So that’s absolutely wonderful. And then also, the other book that changed my entire mindset was your money or your life by Vicki Robin. And like I mentioned, I kind of have like, a morbid history. But she reframed how I thought about money as the life force you give up for that money. And I was like, wow, yep. That’s super powerful. I’m going to be wasting money on things that don’t make that doesn’t make me happy, because I’m literally wasting my life. So that’s a fantastic book as well. And those are my top two favorites.

Captain FI 28:43
So look, it’s been a blast chatting with you. I know you guys are very busy. But I just thought I’d finish up by asking what are your top three tips for someone who might be just getting started on the path to financial independence?

A Purple Life 29:00
Okay, so top tip is to completely map out the life you want, cost it out and save for that. Like I mentioned, I originally was living in Manhattan. And so I was like, Well, I guess I’m always gonna live here. And that was the budget I set, I assumed I was always going to be spending a similar amount. And that’s how I did it. But that’s actually it wasn’t accurate, because I didn’t want to live there forever. So instead, if I had figured out Oh, no, there are other places that have similar salaries, but have the cost of living but much more natural beauty and things that feed my soul and all that stuff like Seattle. Then in the beginning, I could have known that my number was more like half a million US dollars and it’s a little more achievable. Starting number one. Number two would be do experiments. So we talked about changing things like your phone plan. something small like do you actually enjoy going out to restaurants more than having friends over? I assumed I did. I was spending thousands a month on restaurants. I was like, Alright, let’s do an experiment. Let’s have a house party, I’ll buy wine, I’ll make dinner, we’ll have apps like we’ll do everything that the restaurant does. And I’ll cost it out. And oh, look at that it spent, I spent like a 10th of what I would even though I’m paying for everyone else as well, and I had way more fun. So do little experiments like that. And sometimes they don’t work, and that’s fine. So if you take something out of your life, and you’re like, I miss it, put it back in. And I think just doing that, and kind of tweaking really can help you figure out what you want. And then number three would be kind of similar to the experiments. But fostering that idea is, don’t be afraid to be weird. And ask for what you want. Like I mentioned, regretting going to a concert. Now if a friend asks, well, concerts aren’t happening pandemic, but if they were, now when friends would ask if I want to go to a concert, I’d say No thanks. But what if we go on this nature trail instead? So it’s not like I just want to save money, but actually doing what makes me happy. And being upfront with what I would prefer has really helped me on my journey that way, too.

Captain FI 31:03
So purple, awesome tips. I really appreciate you taking the time to discuss your journey. Again, congratulations on your early retirement. If if the readers and the listeners want to find out a little bit more about you or get in touch, where can they find you online.

A Purple Life 31:24
You can find me on my blog, a purple life calm and has all my social media and email on there. If you want to hit me up, let me know what’s going on.

Captain FI 31:32
I’ll make sure to leave a link in the show notes. And people can go and check out your blog. I certainly know that. I’ll be keeping a keen eye on the latest releases and see your next six weeks of early retirement go.

Unknown Speaker 31:49
Thank you.

Captain FI 31:51
No worries. Well, look, thanks so much for making time this morning. It’s been awesome chatting to you and all the best with your sister and the young one.

A Purple Life 31:59
Thank you. I hope you have a wonderful day.

Captain FI 32:03
Thanks very much. You too. Bye. Bye.

Unknown Speaker 32:05

Captain FI 32:07
Thanks for listening to another episode of the Captain FI Financial Independence Podcast. To read the transcripts, or check out the show notes. Head over to www dot Captain for all the details. If you have a question for the captain, make sure to get in touch. You might even make it on the airwaves. You can reach me online through the Captain FI contact form or get in touch through the socials. I’m active on Facebook and Instagram as well as a number of online finance and investing forums. And finally, remember the information presented on the show and the links provided for general information purposes only. They should not be taken as constituting professional financial advice. You should always do your own research when making any financial decisions and make sure it’s appropriate for your personal circumstance.
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