“In a world where change is constant, FOMO is prevalent, and social media’s influence is unmistakable, there has never been a better time to take stock of your spenditude and put your financial future squarely in your own hands”
Paul Gordon and Janine Robertson
Spenditude | Paul Gordon and Janine Robertson
Spenditude is written by a pair of finance experts, and is all about changing your underlying attitude and opinion of money to bring about meaningful change to your financial habits. Spentitude divides people into three main financial categories: The Spenders, Defenders (savers) and the Slenders – a combination of the two.
Naturally, the Spenders aren’t very good at keeping their money – they are too focused on instant gratification and pleasure purchases, and sometimes find themselves spending more than they have even earned to begin with! Spenders have poor or little focus, and this allows them to be taken advantage of by flashy marketing and gimmicks
The Defenders are staunch protectors of their wealth – they like getting value for money, love efficiency and prioritise long term growth and investing; but this sometimes leaves them hopelessly searching for ‘the best deal’ at the expense of their happiness. The Defenders have a strong focus, and ask questions like “Do I need it”, “Can I afford it” and “is this the right price”.
The Slenders are a bit of column A, and a bit of column, B – they generally know what they should be doing with their money, but they don’t always do it. The Slenders often become frustrated by budget blowouts, but are generally conservative and understand that they are motivated by being a conscious consumer. They are happy to spend when it brings a tangible increase in happiness. Slenders understand their values, but don’t always have the best goals or plans – and they also make up the majority of the population
Once you identify which financial category you fit into and your motivators, Spenditude then provides some great advice in how you can incrementally bring in life changing changes to your financial attitude. Getting a good nights sleep is discussed as a key influence in how successful you will be at adapting your financial habits and reaching your goals. Backed by their own professional research, case studies and interviews, Spenditude is a great book if you are looking to make some important life changes
You can check it out using the following links at Amazon or alternatively on Booktopia – Australia’s local Bookstore.

Captain FI is a Retired Pilot who lives in Adelaide, South Australia. He is passionate about Financial Independence and writes about Personal Finance and his journey to reach FI at 29, allowing him to retire at 30.