“Tiny homes may be getting even tinier, but they aren’t going away. A new book offers an explanation.”
The New York Times
Tiny house: live small, dream big | Brent Heavener
Brent Heaveners Tiny House is a book inspired by his original blogging and Instagram account (@TinyHouse) about alternative living arrangements. The Main theme among them: financial freedom by living well below your means. The Living Tiny movement is a growing social phenomena of people bucking the trend; no longer ‘keeping up with Jonses’ in McMansions with financed cars, Living tiny means living well below your means, and encompasses the tiny home, Van life and alternative living movements.
Tiny House is a neat encapsulation of this movement, and features 250 photos of Tiny Homes that Brent has toured in the USA and across the world; everything from ‘Earthships’, to hyper-efficient Green designs, Tiny mobile homes, House boats, Converted school buses and even an actual Treehouse! Brent explores their hidden features as well as interviews their builders and occupants to pass on all their tips and tricks about living tiny.
You can check it out using the following links at Amazon or alternatively on Booktopia – Australia’s local Bookstore.

Captain FI is a Retired Pilot who lives in Adelaide, South Australia. He is passionate about Financial Independence and writes about Personal Finance and his journey to reach FI at 29, allowing him to retire at 30.